
Agroecology Program Governance

The Agroecology Governance Committee, composed of five faculty and two student members, oversees all aspects of the program including admissions, student progress, curriculum development, and budget. The processes and authority of the committee are outlined by the Agroecology bylaws. The committee meets monthly during the academic year. All meeting agendas and minutes are public and available upon request.

Agroecology Governance Committee 2024-2025

William Tracy (Professor of Agronomy), Chair

Michael Bell (Professor of Community & Environmental Sociology)

Xia Zhu-Barker (Professor of Soil Science)

Randy Jackson (Professor of Agronomy)

Tom Bryan (Teaching Faculty, PAS)

Gregg Sanford (Assistant Professor of Soil & Environmental Sciences)

Claudio Gratton (Professor of Entomology)

Christelle Guédot (Professor of Entomology)

Jaya Muehlman (Agroecology Student)

Liz Khomenkov (Agroecology Student)